The Jurassic Coast Trust (JCT) will be adding events to our summer schedule, which can be found in the 'Whats on' section on our website. Excitingly, we have confirmed our Big Summer Sleep Out event for July 2024, more details can be found by visiting our 'Whats on' page. 

We welcomed a new member of the team - Saskia Elliott - who will be leading on a key conservation project for us over the next eighteen months. Saskia's first few days have been spent getting to grips with the wide range of partners and stakeholders that we work with and also the truly epic story of the Jurassic Coast itself. Core to Saskia's work will be to improve the detail of our records of the geodiversity of the World Heritage Site and also to commission research to analyse potential impacts to the Site's geodiversity from climate change and future coastal management.

You may have seen the news reports on the changes at Chesil Beach, witnessed by our team. Read all about them in the Dorset Echo

Lucy and Chris were pleased to meet the Arts Council team in Exeter on Friday 8th March to discuss funding opportunities for museum viability work. 

The Board of Trustees will meet on Monday 18th March to review the new income strategy and proposed budgets for the Trust as we move into the 2024/2025 financial year.

Our head of World Heritage, Sam Scriven, visited the Riviera UNESCO Global Geopark for a meeting between the UNESCO Sites in the SouthWest. It was a great get-together to explore opportunities for collaborative working in the future and to learn more about each other's Sites and projects. We also got to hear from the RNLI about how they are celebrating their 200 year anniversary and also from a colleague in Canada about a project seeking to bring together more coordinated promotion and visitor management between lots of UNESCO sites on their eastern coast.

Work has been undertaken on a new interpretation panel for Budleigh Salterton to replace a small panel explaining the famous rhizocretions (fossil roots) that are exposed in the cliffs behind the promenade. Sally King from the Dorset National Landscape team has been working with Devon County Council to co-ordinate funding for the new panel and JCT staff have written the content and input into the design. It should be installed in the next few months.

Even when seemingly on holiday, the work doesn’t stop for the JCT team. As Sam found on a lovely holiday in Tenerife, where he was bowled over by Teide National Park World Heritage Site, inscribed for the natural beauty of its rugged volcanic landscape and for the fact that it contains diverse and exceptional evidence to show how volcanic ocean islands form and evolve over time. A geological site totally different to ours but a great reminder of why the World Heritage list is an inspiring family of places that help us understand our planet.




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